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Showing posts from January, 2021

Blockchain as most credeble wallet.

STRUKTURE PROPOSAL. PENDAHULUAN. Setiap generasi memiliki ciri khas, dan lingkungan yg berbeda dari satu qurun  dengan qurun lainnya. Perubahan adalah suatu keniscayaan yg tidak bisa ditolak oleh generasi qurun manapun di Dunia ini.Tetapi tentu saja perubahan itu harus diringi dan diimbangi dengan kedewasaan berpikir dan    bertindak oleh bangsa bangsa pelaku kemajuan itu sendiri hingga tidak merugikan diri sendiri yg berdampak pada orang lain. Kemajuan dibidang digital adalah sebuah maha karya yg membuat semua bangsa betdecak kagum,terlebih kemajuan itu yg bersipat membangun dan berefek pada perbaikan dan kepentingan umat manusia,kita baru2 ini mengenal Bitcoin doge coin...etc.Merupakan penemuan abad ini,disamping penemuan lainnya tetapi disini kita tidak Akan membahas itu yang Akan penulis bahas adalah penemuan yg tak kalah penting dari yg diatas yaitu;" sisitem penyimpanan data2 yg aman dan terlepas dari ke erroran sistem human being itulah salah satu keunggulannya. LA...

Blockchain is most credible wallet.

  PROPOSAL STRUCTURE. Background Each generation has its own characteristics, and the environment is different from one qurun to another. Change is a necessity that cannot be denied by any generation of qurun in this world. But of course this change must be accompanied by and balanced with maturity in thinking and acting by the nations who are doing the progress themselves so that they do not harm themselves which affect others. Progress in the digital field is a masterpiece that makes all nations amazed, especially that progress that is constructive and has an effect on the improvement and the interests of mankind, we recently got to know Bitcoin doge coin ... etc. It is an invention of this century, besides other discoveries but here, we will not discuss it. What the author will discuss is a finding that is no less important than the one above, namely: "data storage systems that are safe and independent of human being system errors are one of its advantages.

2.Ft.Climate Change, Sustainable Energy & Environment.

  Combating climate change while relaunching the global economy. BACKGROUND Humans during development, seen from their personalities, experience development from time to time, prenatal (still in the womb), birth, children, adolescents, old adults and death (psychology : John Locke, Elizabeth Hurlock, Al insan: 1-5). And during the development period, namely humans, all phases depend on the things around them. To survive, humans need food and the things they need: Humans Need plants to eat. Humans Need the sun. Humans Need air. Humans Need water. From here alone it can be seen clearly that humans are social creatures who cannot stand alone or live alone, think about: Can humans live without eating? Can humans live without the sun? Can humans live without air? Can humans live without water? Anyone will not be able to live alone on this earth. God (Allah), the substance who created the universe with various balances, was born the theory: The earth is round (Galileo galilei). The theor...